

Perhaps the most well known form of Chinese traditional medicine, acupuncture is the art of stimulating specific points on the body in order to harmonise the flow of energy in the meridians. This is performed gently, prioritizing the comfort of the patient.

Heat therapies

This includes the use of moxibustion, which is the burning of the common herb mugwort (artemesia vulgaris) over certain areas of the body to stimulate or warm these areas.

Exercise therapy

Ranges from martial arts to more subtle forms of movement such as t’ai chi and qi gong.

Tui Na

Is a from of Chinese massage therapy, firmly grounded in meridian theory, in which the practitioner applies gentle pressure to balance the body and eliminate pain.

Chinese herbal medicine

Is a fundamental component of traditional Chinese medicine. Herbs are prescribed to restore balance between yin and yang.

Dietary Therapy

It is essential to support the body with the best possible source of food and individually designed food plans assist patients to support the body with the highest nutritional value possible. Chinese dietary therapy considers seasonal changes, yin and yang theory as well as flavors, tastes and the thermal-energy of each food.

Craniosacral Therapy

This is a gentle re-balancing therapy which originates from osteopathy. Through fine manual adjustments of tissue connection in the craniosacral system, the body has a chance to find its natural alignment and activate a healing response, finding homeostasis or balance.

Scenar Therapy

The Scenar is a very sophisticated Russian bio-feedback instrument which analyses pathological frequencies in tissue and introduces healthy frequencies back into the body stimulating an immune response and promoting healing. Combining Scenar with Chinese medicine can encourage pain reduction and management, fracture rehabilitation, post surgery treatments, muscle tightness, detoxification and fibroid rehabilitation.


Prices for all treatment types:

1st Appointment (1.5 hrs): $ 170.00

One Hour Appointments: $ 120.00

30 Min Appointments: $ 70.00

ICBC Claim:

Initial ICBC Claim 75 min: $ 123.00

Follow up ICBC Claim 45 min: $ 104.00

MSP Supplentary Benefits:

10 times per year each: $ 23.00

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